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En français, en italien ou en anglais dans les textes, bon nombre de ces livres sont en libre consultation au Federal, alors n'hésitez pas à venir passer un moment de lecture et de détente en notre compagnie autour un cappucino ou d'un bon panino.

"In ogni caso nessun rimorso"
(référence au panino Bandat Bonnot)

“A volte l’uomo ha bisogno di affrontare la morte per capire che cosa sia la vita”

“Avevo il diritto di viverla, quella felicità. Non me lo avete concesso. E allora, è stato peggio per me, peggio per voi, peggio per tutti… Dovrei rimpiangere ciò che ho fatto? Forse. Ma non ho rimorsi. Rimpianti sì, ma in ogni caso nessun rimorso…”.
Così scrive su un quaderno a quadretti, prima di essere colpito a morte dalla polizia, Jules Bonnot, il nemico pubblico di Parigi nei primi anni del secolo scorso, geniale rapinatore, appassionato di auto e motori, capo di una banda di anarchici sanguinari che terrorizzarono la Francia e fecero scattare una feroce repressione antiproletaria.

In ogni caso nessun rimorso - Pino Cacucci - Ed. Feltrinelli
"Ernesto Guevara connu aussi comme le Che"

Au-delà des affiches et des T-shirts, le mythe et l'image du Che fascinent et hantent les imaginaires, symbole de l'utopie pour les jeunes mal informés ou héros d'une révolution impossible mais nécessaire pour leurs parents. A partir d'un important matériel en partie inédit, archives cubaines, journaux intimes, témoignages et photos, Paco Ignacio Taibo Il construit une biographie complète et détaillée qui révèle un personnage complexe et surprenant. Le guérillero insolent, moqueur et dur, surtout avec lui-même, laisse place à un homme différent de celui qu'on croyait connaître.

Paco Ignacio Taibo Il nous fait rencontrer Ernesto Guevara au-delà du mythe du Che et écrit "la" grande biographie latino-américaine d'un héros latino-américain. Cette fresque historique extraordinairement documentée devient sous la plume de l'écrivain un roman d'aventures unique.

Ernesto Guevara connu aussi comme le Che - Paco Ignacio Taibo II - Ed. Payot & Rivages
Charles Bukowski

"Storie di Ordinaria Follia"
"Compagno di sbronze"
(référence au panino Chinaski)

Henry Charles "Hank" Chinaski is the literary alter ego of the American writer Charles Bukowski, appearing in five of Bukowski's novels, a number of his short stories and poems, and in the films Barfly and Factotum. Although much of Chinaski's biography is based on Bukowski's own life story, the Chinaski character is still a literary creation that is constructed with the veneer of what the writer Adam Kirsch calls "a pulp fiction hero." Works of fiction that feature the character include Confessions of a Man Insane Enough to Live With the Beasts (1965), Post Office (1971), South of No North (1973), Factotum (1975), Women (1978), Ham on Rye (1982), Hot Water Music (1983), Hollywood (1989), and Septuagenarian Stew (1990). He is also mentioned briefly in the beginning of Bukowski's last novel, Pulp.

Chinaski is a writer who works for years as a mail carrier. An alcoholic, womanizing misanthrope, he serves as both the protagonist and antihero of the novels in which he appears, which span from his poverty-stricken childhood to his middle age, in which he finds some small success as a screenwriter.

Chinaski was portrayed by Mickey Rourke in the film Barfly, which Bukowski himself wrote and by Matt Dillon in the film Factotum, released in 2005. In the Dutch short film "De Blauwe Bus" (The Blue Bus), which was released in 2009, he was portrayed by Jan Mulder.

Storie di Ordinaria Follia
Compagno di sbronze
- Charles Bukowski - Ed. Feltrinelli
"Gonzo A Graphic Biography of Hunter S. Thompsom"
(référence au panino Gonzo)

Gonzo: A Graphic Biography of Hunter S. Thompson (public library) offers exactly what it says on the tin, and does so brilliantly - an uncommon biography of legendary iconoclastic author (and garden fence expert) Hunter S. Thompson (July 18, 1937 - February 20, 2005), revered as the father of Gonzo journalism and reviled as an addict, a bum, a liar, a thief, a sociopath, a hedonistic outlaw. In bold black-and-white graphics and a few well-chosen words, author Will Bingley and illustrator Anthony Hope-Smith tell the story of how a disillusioned troublemaker kid from Louisville became a global literary icon, exploring in the process the most uncomfortable nooks and crannies of social order, individual liberty, and American culture.

Hope-Smith tells The Wall Street Journal: "Visually, the trick was to not shy away from the ‘Fear and Loathing Hunter.’ Rather we could have fun playing with him but then be ready to dial it right back in order to show his humanity through subtlety of expression and body language. We tried to create a balance between the man and his performance."

Gonzo A graphic biography of Hunter S. Thompsom - Will Bingley and illustrator Anthony Hope-Smith - Ed. Abrams Comicarts

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